I have been reading Steve's blog and seeing pictures of Austin and the babies, christmas and car wreck. I figured it was time to catch up on news.
Christmas: Logan got a new car..... old but new to him, a 99 mercury Buick, forest green. He got nothing else. That is his Christmas and Birthday. He's totally fine with that being that he is 16 in Feb.
Bug: New professional flute, and a itouch. She was nice and gave Logan her old ipod to him for Christmas, so he did have something to open besides grandparents. Her and Logan spent all day putting new music on their ipods. Tori's itouch also came with a $50 gift card, so she spent all day downloading apps and games.
Morgan: Santa gave her a membership to Club Penguin online. No clue what they do, I think it's gay, but they love it, so, OK. We gave her a shopping spree in St louis where we got her ears pierced and got to shop and eat with just mom and dad. She said that was her most favorite gift EVER! We went the day after Christmas, so the West County mall was horrible! She also got a new DSI.
Rylan: He, amazingly, was not all about cars this year. He has learned that he loves legos. NOT DUBLOS, because he's a big kid now. Since Logan isn't playing with them anymore, we stuck the table and a HUGE tub of legos downstairs. He's there for hours. He intertwines the legos with cars, so he's not all the way out of cars. I have to admit, Santa did get him 5 new cars and they were opened first and formost. The rest of his gifts were Lego sets that he can put together. Santa also brought a new membership to Club Penguin. He also got a new DSI.
Kevin: He has been dying for a the new 27" Mac. We ordered it for him and he got it early. He told me no more gifts, but, we never stick to that. I gave him 3 DVD's of Looney Toons, his favorite. He also got a DSI with 3 new games. He always stills Ruth's so he can play Zelda, and I never get to play mine, so I got him one. He opened it and laughed and said that we weren't supposed to get each other anything. HA!
Ruth: My laptop was getting old, so when he got his new computer I got a new Macbook Pro. Very nice! So, no need for more presents! He, of course, didn't stick to it and got me a purse! My man knows me so well! And he got me a spa treatment, he knows me so well!!!!!!
We don't do Christmas dinner at our house, mainly because I'm lazy. Our tradition is Christmas breakfast casserole. When we spent Christmas up at the Davis's one year I made it there and it was a big hit for them too. I didn't make it one year and ALL the kids complained, even Kevin, so our tradition is Christmas casserole! YUMMMMMMMMY!
All of us spent all day Christmas with our new electronics, not talking to anyone! I was perturbed, but no one wanted to stop, but they were all happy.
On to other news, Logan made the play at school, he was Simmon in DAVID AND LISA. Very somber play about an insane assylym. He also made 2nd chair in the top band at highschool. Being a Sophomore, that's great. He has also started taking piano lessons and has proclaimed he wants to go into piano pedegody. The picture of him with classes if of him in the play, he was a nerd. He did his part a little tooooo well! :-) Logan also went on his first date, but not really date. His friend's boyfriend broke up with her the day before homecoming, so Logan being who he is, said he would take her. They had a blast.
Bug: She made Cheerleader, no surprise there. The big surprise is that she didn't want to do volleyball this year. I have come to realize that she is our sports fanatic, and wants to try every sport. She tried volleyball, did very well, but wanted to move on. Cheerleading is the only thing she has stuck with. She's done, basketball, soccer, gymnastics, um..... don't know what else. But it doesn't hold her interest for long, but Cheerleading has. She has also taken up quilting along with her mom. She has made a beautiful quilt, which is black, pink, and purple. She just needs to quilt it on the machine and she will be done.
Kevin: He is still High Priest Group Leader at church and does very well. He loves, I repeat, LOVES, his job at the hospital. Recently, while I was home visiting mom and dad over Halloween, I felt strongly I wanted to move back to Idaho. I came home and we prayed about it. The Lord said "NO WAY". Kevin was much relieved!
Ruth: I love to quilt and spent the entire trip up to Idaho, for 2 wks, quilting and shopping with mom. It was THE most precious time I had. Mom and dad are starting to be like grandma Stephenson and tell lots of stories. I usually just say yeah, yeah, but this time, when dad told a story, I would hurry after and write it in my journal. I will never forget my time with him, knowing that time is precious with him right now. I have also had my dreams come true, finally! Logan was trying out for band chairs, and they usually tell each student what they need to work on, well with Logan, they both just looked at Logan and said, "you are taking private lessons aren't you?" "Uh, yes..... my mother!" Boy were they surprised! They immediately called me up and asked if I would be willing to help with the high school. Sure! It soon ended up, that I was helping every grade from 7-12th grade. I go to 3-4 classes a day, about 3-4 times a week to help the students. I am totally having a ball! The teachers are so impressed with how well the students are responding that I got an email from Craig French, the assistant teacher, asking if I would please come as much as possible this next semester, like every day! No more sleeping in for me, I guess. I kinda wish I would get paid for it, but it's totally volunteer. Oh well, I'm totally having the time of my life, and learning that I am a good teacher, but need to no be so serious with the kids. I've been very blessed that I am able to do this now that the kids are in school.
All in all, we have had a great year. I can't find the picture of Logan from the play, I will find it and add it later. I'm going to also post some video of Christmas, hopefully it will work! The photos of the little kids are from the photobooth on the computer here. They love taking videos and photos and then distort their faces. They spend ours doing this!