Walking Together Forever

Walking Together Forever

Friday, November 14, 2008

Sandy's gone and Misha comes in

Yesterday we put our beloved cocker spaniel down. She was 16 yrs old, so it was time. Everyone is fine except me, I'm a wreck, seriously, crying all the time. On the other hand we have 2 beautiful babies that are growing by the day. I have decided that this is what I want to do, is raise huskies. I'm so in love with this that I just can't stand it. I convinced Kevin that I wanted to do this right, so we got a male dog so we can breed him with Sasha and not hire out for a sire again. That was a disaster!

Anyway, his name is Misha, kevin got to name him this time. It's his first night away from his mom, so this will be a long night with the pups crying and then Misha crying for his mother. Busy household!

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